This is That Moment: Responding To Where We are Now through Conversation and Collective Exploration

Next Meeting:

  • Time and Date: February 28: 3:00-4:30
  • Place: Carleton University Art Gallery, St. Patrick’s Building

The Climate Commons invites you to our second meeting of “This is That Moment.”  This second meeting invites participants to come early to spend time with the environment and climate focused show, “The Air of Now and Gone.”  This will be followed by a discussion of the questions the artists open up and an open format conversation for collective brainstorming.


Climate Commons is launching a new initiative on Friday afternoons aimed at creating an informal conversational space to talk about “what it feels like to be in this moment” of rising right wing populism with spiral effects impacting so many communities and the planet – and – to reflect on how we figure out the things we can do collectively in response? The concept of “this is that moment” is  rather than being defeated by the big forces that would like to defeat alternative justice and climate justice initiatives, this is that moment to figure out how to deepen care work, Indigenous and racialized justice work, planetary work, and so much more.  Through a “Creating and Talking, Making and Mending” approachwe hope to invite practices of creation and/or practices of mending that will enhance collaborative thinking towards more just shared futures. These could involve collaging and other art practices, a quarterly zine, reading a creative text like A Half Built Garden, meeting at the “Air of Now and Gone” CUAG climate art show for a visit with the show, showing up to mend and repair worn garments and many other possibilities. This first meeting will be an open format for collective brainstorming.

For further inspiration for this exploratory gathering, see Andrea Gibson, “Post-Election Letter to a Friend”: