One of our group members, Vladimir Diaz Cuellar, is interested in starting a climate science reading group. The first meeting will be held at 6PM EST on April 16th to determine readings for the group. Please contact Vlad if you’re interested in participating in the reading group or if you’d like more information. His email address is:

Here’s his description of the group: The purpose of the reading group will be to familiarize and keep up to date with the natural science literature that assesses the state of climate change and the discussions about the implications for the Earth system and society, particularly the works that are written for the broader public. This will give us an opportunity to learn collectively about climate science, potentially listen to experts more familiar with the literature (by inviting experts from the university to some of the meetings), and make connections with our work in social sciences, humanities, or activism.

The group will aim to have 2 or 3 meetings during a year, including one to discuss the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s AR6 Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis, the main component of the IPCC’s assessment report, that is scheduled to be published this year.

The book list will be chosen collectively. Some potential titles include:

  • Michael E. Mann (2021) The New Climate War: The Fight to Take Back Our Planet
  • Hansen, James (2022) Sophie’s Planet: A Search for truth about our remarkable home planet and its future.
  • Simon L Lewis and Mark A Maslin (2018) The Human Planet: How We Created the Anthropocene 
  • Vaclav Smil (2017) Energy and Civilization: A History
  • Hansen, James E. (2009). Storms of My Grandchildren: The Truth About the Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save Humanity.
  • Spencer R. Weart (2003, 2008) The Discovery of Global Warming: Revised and Expanded Edition
  • Stephen H. Schneider (1997), Laboratory Earth: the Planetary Gamble We Can’t Afford to Lose