All of Us from 350 Canada

“We all deserve a fighting chance at a decent life. It shouldn’t feel impossible to put a roof over your head and food on the table. But every day, the hope of a decent life feels further and further out of reach for far too many of us.

The biggest companies in the world are making record profits while we pay the price. From our sky-rocketing grocery bills to our smoke-filled summers, we’re the ones stuck bearing the costs of an economy rigged to benefit an elite few. And while our politicians talk a big game, many of them want to give corporations more power— not less.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. History shows us that when working people come together, we can tip the scales back in our favour.

By raising taxes on Big Oil and Canada’s wealthiest corporations, we can recoup billions of dollars to transform our energy system, create good unionized jobs for workers, build free public transit, construct energy-efficient social housing, honour Indigenous land rights, and invest in the robust public services our communities depend on. It’s time to tax their billions and build a future for All of Us.”

Tell the federal party leaders: tax their billions.

Canada’s political parties are gearing up for the next election—let’s demand bold action for a fairer future.

While billionaires and Big Oil rake in record profits, everyday people are left behind.By taxing Big Oil and the wealthiest corporations, we can generate billions to:

  • Build free public transit
  • Create good union jobs
  • Honour Indigenous land rights
  • Strengthen vital public services

It’s time to prioritize people over profits.