For far too long, fossil fuel companies have viewed plastics as a Plan B for their dying industry. The entire plastics life cycle comes at the expense of human life and our fundamental rights to health and the environment, and our climate — especially for Black, Brown, Indigenous, frontline, and under-resourced communities.

The Global Plastics Treaty has the potential to stop the plastic pollution crisis at the source — but only if governments truly step up and uphold their responsibility to the people, environment, wildlife, and the climate. Ambition needs to be more than just words.

Join us in Ottawa on 21 April 2024 (Sunday) as we march from Parliament Hill to Shaw Center to remind governments who exactly they are negotiating for at the fourth session of the Integovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-4) of the Global Prlstics Treaty.

11:00 meet on Parliament Hill, Speeches
12:00 begin Indigenous-led march to Shaw Centre
14:00 event ends