December 11, 2024 at 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
1524 Dunton Tower and Zoom
Dr. Sabrina Fernandes is a Canadian and Brazilian sociologist and political economist, ecosocialist activist, acclaimed author, and IPE alumna; currently Head of Research at the Alameda Institute, she is the author of Se Quiser Mudar o Mundo: Um guia politico para quem se important (2020) and Morbid Symptoms: the crossroads of the Brazilian Left (2019). Dr. Fernandes is also the editor of new Portuguese editions of The Communist Manifesto, The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, and a box set of the three volumes of Capital. She is co-editor of the International Research Group on Authoritarianism and Counter-Strategies’ Global Authoritarianism: Perspectives and contestations from the South.