Below is a collection of articles that discuss climate change and the environment in conjunction with other social justice issues.

“A Green New Deal for Decarceration” by Brett Story and Seth J. Prins (2019)

This article reports on the relationship between environmental justice and mass incarceration, by exploring alliances between different social justice movements

“The Science of Neoliberal Racism” in Where the Waters Divide: Neoliberalism, White Privilege, and Environmental Racism in Canada, by Michael Mascarenhas (2014).

This article addresses the transformations that have led to the current neoliberal system in relation to climate change discourse. Mascarenhas investigates the a-politicization and colonial nature of scientific discourse. Additionally, he highlights how Indigenous and other racialized communities are excluded from exercising their rights and responsibilities with regard to their lands.

“Sustaining Everyday Life: Bringing Together Environmental, Climate and Reproductive Justice” by Giovanna Di Chiro (2009)

This piece illustrates climate change and environmental issues as a matter of everyday survival, rather than a distant issue affecting the Arctic, by linking reproductive justice and environmental justice. Di Chiro explains the shortcomings of current colonial communities with regards to creating healthy conditions for social reproduction,

“Mercury Poisoning in Grassy Narrow: Environmental Justice, Colonialism, and Capitalist Expansion in Canada” by Natalia Ilyaniak (2014)

Environmental justice is directly linked to the fight for self-determination, as illustrated by the Grassy Narrows community. Ilyaniak writes on hazard distribution, intentional mercury poisoning of Indigenous communities, and resistance through Anishinaabe worldviews.

“Normalising corporate counterinsurgency: Engineering consent, managing resistance and greening destruction around the Hambach coal mine and beyond” by Andrea Brock and Alexander Dunlap (2018)

This article highlights the role of corporations in normalizing the violence and destruction brought by their environmental impacts. The authors address corporate practices that perpetuate these issues by investigating the largest coal deposit in Europe. Some topics include counterinsurgency tactics racialized communities, as well as soft tactics such as corporate social responsibility which are masked in our everyday interactions.