In the Media

        The Guardian – Environment & Climate Change

   The Energy Mix – a curated archive of top online content on climate change, energy, and the push for a low-carbon energy future

Desmog Canada – an online news magazine dedicated to cutting through the spin clouding the debate on energy and environment

            BBC News – Climate Change 

   Bluedot – Blue Dot is a project of the David Suzuki Foundation [focused on the] right to a healthy environment

Nasa: Climate Change and Global Warming

The mission of Global Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet is to provide the public with accurate and timely news and information about Earth’s changing climate, along with current data and visualizations, presented from the unique perspective of NASA, the world’s leading climate research agency

The New York Times – Climate

From 350 Ottawa:

  The Divestment Weekly News – current news of individuals, businesses, universities, churches, and others such as managers of endowment funds who have joined the worldwide  divestment movement.

! – 350 Ottawa’s weekly newspaper bringing the latest environmental success stories from around the world as we move out of the Fossil Fuel era.

We ‘Can Do’ It!

Canada’s Pipeline Debate – 350 Ottawa’s daily newspaper that brings together major articles in the pipeline debate from mainstream newspapers, the fossil fuel industry, blogs and other sources.