Charles Hodgson graduated in 1981 from McGill as an electrical engineer and worked for decades in tech but in 2010 he became very concerned about climate change and began volunteering full time with Ecology Ottawa to influence the City of Ottawa to deliver on its past climate change commitments. With that involvement he also recognized a lack of public understanding of who was the authority on climate change – that’d be the IPCC – and what made the IPCC so uniquely authoritative. Hence the graphic novel. The graphic novel is titled Because IPCC.  Charles’ talk will cover the what, why and how of Because IPCC as well as the main points contained therein. Free copies will be available.


  • Read Because IPCC!  
  • Share the graphic novel with your circle> obtain copies/links and share them with our friends
  • Use Because IPCC! to teach about the IPCC
  • Ask essential climate communications question: how to engage?
  • Consider Indigenous people attending COPS – but what of indigenous knowledge holders as equivalent scientists?
  • Promoting the video that could be used widely used in schools
  • Contact Charles for copies or more information about Because IPCC!

Resource List

The following is a list of resources recommended by attendees at our event


Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 

Because IPCC Website, Download book and video link    

Climate Atlas of Canada

Books and articles:

Merchants of Doubt  

What Is the Social Responsibility of Climate Scientists?, Naomi Oreskes, 2020  

The Collapse of Western Civilization: A view from the future, Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway 

The Beast: Making a Living on a Dying Planet  

Resource List Suggestions