Noons for Now March 27: L.A. Kauffman- Grassroots Organizing and Climate Justice

We are honoured to welcome L.A. Kauffman to speak about grassroots organizing and climate justice. With over 35 years of dedication to grassroots movements as a journalist, historian, organizer, and strategist, Kauffman brings a wealth of experience and insight. From her work saving over 100 New York City community gardens to mobilizing some of the largest antiwar protests in U.S. history, her contributions to activism are nothing short of inspiring. We look forward to learning from her expertise and passion as we explore the intersection of community action and environmental justice.

Noons for Now will follow a biweekly schedule for the fall session. We look forward to seeing you soon!!

The Carleton Climate Commons invites you to participate in a new initiative: Teach-In’s for climate action called “Noons for Now.” As the name suggests, we’re taking our lead from the model of the school strike introduced by Greta Thunberg. Starting in September 2018, Thunberg sat on the steps of Swedish parliament each Friday at noon to strike for climate action. Sometimes she was alone. Sometimes one or two classmates were with her. But slowly this small action created a movement. We take heart from this action and the possibility we all have to effect change in response to the climate crisis. The Teach-In action we’ve chosen speaks to our role as faculty and students at a university. Each week we will bring together one to three speakers, in addition to a moderator, to discuss some facet of the climate crisis. Sometimes it might be just this small group. Sometimes more people might attend. Whatever the case, we invite you to join us anytime, to participate in the conversation or only to listen, to come for part of the hour or the entire thing, to come with friends or on your own. At first this event will likely be somewhat improvisational but we always welcome suggestions, feedback, and participation. The goal is to hold space for climate conversation, ideas, and action on a weekly basis until our country—and, we hope, others too—meets the climate crisis with policy and action commensurate to its urgency.

“In order to set our institutions firmly on the path of future knowledges, we need to reinvent a classroom without walls in which we are all co-learners; a university that is capable of convening various publics in new forms of assemblies that becomes points of convergence of and platforms for the redistribution of different forms of knowledges.” – Achille Mbembe

2024/2025 Noons for Now Events:

Past Noons for Now Events:

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