February 2: Carbon and the City with Mike Fletcher (City of Ottawa)

This week we’re talking to Mike Fletcher, a Project Manager working with the City of Ottawa’s Climate Change and Resiliency team. He’ll be discussing what the city is doing to reduce carbon emissions.

Resource List:

City Hall Resources:

Slideshow: Ottawa’s Energy Evolution

City Hall Webpage – Energy Evolution

City Hall Webpage – Climate Change and Energy

In the News:

Blair Crawford, “City of Ottawa is missing its mark on climate goals, watchdog group warns”, Ottawa Citizen, December 2022. 

Mark Connolly and Tara McCarthy, “The Edmonton area is perfectly positioned to play a bigger role in Canada’s net-zero future”, Edmonton AM, 2023


  • Get involved in community heating practices.
    • For example, those of us at Carleton can pressure the university to act, especially through avenues such as the Climate Response Committee.
  • Spread the word about what the city is doing and help them make it happen.
  • Adapt the city’s food practices to make them more sustainable.