
Josh Goldstein is a professor of Modern Chinese History at University of Southern California  specializing in urban ecologies and political economies of waste and recycling. He is the author of Remains of the Everyday: A Century of Recycling in Beijing (U of CA Press, 2020) and Drama Kings: Players and Publics in the Re-creation of Peking Opera (UC, 2007). His teaching increasingly focuses on the climate emergency as he flails around trying to link his academic work and teaching to environmental justice activism and the struggle to slow climate breakdown.

Amy Woodson-Boulton is professor and past chair of the Department of History at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California. A historian of Britain and Ireland, she works on cultural reactions to industrialization and the social role of art, including the history of museums and ideas about nature and “primitive” society. She teaches modern British, European, and global courses that focus on imperial, cultural, public, and environmental history.

Resource List

History Rebellion

Related Groups:

Scientist Rebellion

Extinction Rebellion


Further Reading on Climate Activism and Hope:

A Message from the Future II: The Years of Repair,” The Intercept, 2020.

Stephen Burgen, “Barcelona students to take mandatory climate crisis module from 2024,” The Guardian, Nov. 12, 2022.

Elin Kelseys, Hope Matters, 2020

Maria Ojala, “Hope and Climate Change: the importance of hope for environmental engagement among young people,” Environmental Education Research, 2012.

Daniel Sherrell, Warmth, 2021

Britt Wray, Generation Dread, 2022

To Do:

  • Consider how the past continues to influence today and tomorrow regarding the climate crisis
  • Utilize strong climate emotions as tools rather than restraints
    • Turn hope into ideas
    • Turn anger into passion

Upcoming Events:

  • History Rebellion’s “Climate Strike and Teach-In Group” April 2023 (work in progress, more details coming soon!)