Join us as we host Horizon Ottawa in a discussion on public transit in Ottawa. Climate action, affordability, and accessibility means investing in good public transit. Right now, transit is in decline, so few people use it. We will never grow ridership with more route cuts and fare increases. We can do better, we deserve better.
- Join an Ottawa public transit organization!
- Sign Horizon Ottawa’s Petition: Horizon Ottawa Bus Lane Petition
- We only need a few more people to sign to make the goal!
- Advocate for better transportation at Carleton!
- More bike storage
- Bike sharing
- Bus lanes
- Better deals/free transit for students AND staff
Resource List
The following is a list of resources recommended by attendees at our event.
Nick Grover’s Ottawa Citizen/National Post Articles:
Ottawa Transit Organizations:
- Free Transit Ottawa
- Free Transit Ottawa Membership
- Horizon Ottawa Bus Lane Petition
- Ottawa Transit Riders
- Public Service Alliance of Canada
Ottawa Transportation Data:
- Be mindful of the indicators they are using! OC transpo defines a late bus as being more than 15mins late, which most people would agree is way too generous.
- OC Transpo Performance Data
- Ottawa Insights – Transportation data
Scientific articles on Transportation and Climate Change:
- Transport and Climate Change, edited by Tim Ryley, and Lee Chapman, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2012. ProQuest Ebook Central,
YouTube Channels on Public Transportation:
- Not just bikes