Chris Russill is an Associate Professor in the School of Journalism and Communication at Carleton University. Chris studies how climate change is conceptualized across a range of scientific and political problems to engage with the assumptions structuring our sense of danger, harm, violence, and crisis. He recently co-edited Critical Approaches to Climate Change and Civic Action with Anabela Carvalho and Julie Doyle, a collection exploring the relationship of conceptual invention and material politics in the climate movement.
- Enacting lawsuits to mitigate and adapt to harm that comes from greenwashing, misinformation, or disinformation.
- Education on spotting greenwashing and/or how to critically think with a climate crisis lens about advertisements we see.
- Deep canvassing and talking with victims of climate misinformation and conspiracy theories.
Resource List
The following is a list of resources recommended by attendees at our event.
Chris’s Published Work
Chris Russill. “Alarmism and Accountability in Climate Communication During Extreme Events.” Social Media + Society 2023.
Anabela Carvalho, Chris Russill et al. “Editorial: Critical Approaches to Climate Change and Civic Action.” Frontiers in Communication, 2021.
Faiza Hirji, Chris Russill et al. “Putting Race at the Forefront of Communication Studies.” Canadian Journal of Communication, 2021.
News Articles on Fossil Fuel Lobbying
The Tally of Oil and Gas Industry Lobbying in May is off the Charts
Websites with Climate Change Resouces
Nonfiction Books on Climate and Politics
Climate Leviathan, Joel Wainwright and Geoff Mann. 2018.
Doppelganger, Naomi Klein. 2023.