Past Event! Note: this event has already taken place.

Caregivers, Older Adults & Technology

January 14, 2021 at 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM

Location:RSVP here:


Celine Latulipe, Associate Professor, University of Manitoba


As the population ages, a new type of digital user emerges: the caregiver proxy. Caregivers are people who help older adults with daily living, including social activities, health and wellness, shopping, banking, and accessing social services. Caregiver proxies often access eService portals on behalf of the older adults they help. Proxy use of such eService portals can create a wide variety of serious security and privacy problems. I will discuss research I have conducted that demonstrates these issues within a healthcare context.


Dr. Celine Latulipe conducts research in the fields of Human-Computer Interaction and Computer Science Education at the University of Manitoba. Her research involves understanding how older adults and their caregivers engage with technology, and developing systems and tools to support a partnership model for the older adult’s digital life. Dr. Latulipe also conducts research in innovative curriculum and pedagogy for Computer Science, and is particularly interested in how to support under-served populations learning computer science. A third area of interest is in developing and evaluating novel interaction techniques, creativity support tools and measurement, and the study of how people use complex software, whether mobile, web-based or traditional desktop systems. Beyond technology, education and art, Dr. Latulipe is also interested in politics, gender issues, philosophy, behavioral economics, neuroscience, psychology and sociology.

Presentation will be online, registration here: