Our industry partners are valued and key members of the CLUE training program. Our partners contribute in three ways to the program: they can host graduate students for an internship, they can disseminate their experience through talks in our seminar series, and they can conduct group knowledge transfer of their successful work practices and processes through hands-on workshops with other CLUE program members.

Internships are 520-hours long and can be completed either as 4 months full time or 8 months part time, depending on preferences and requirements of the student, their faculty supervisor, and the industry partner. Internships are aligned with the academic terms, and start three times a year (September, January or May). Industry partners are contacted three months before the start of the internship and asked to submit job descriptions for student placements. We disseminate the descriptions to interested students, who are then interviewed by partners. Students and partners rank their preferences for a placement, and we do our best to accommodate everyone.

To take advantage of the opportunity to host internships for our CLUE funded students so they can bring a fresh perspective and their Collaborative Learning of Usability Experiences to your environment, CLUE internship hosts must have these three requirements:

  • a UX expert on site to provide mentorship to the intern,
  • a physical working space allocated as their desk, on-site as part of a team environment,
  • the ability to assist students in the contribution of their skills to work on projects relevant to the growth of the company.

If you are interested in joining the CLUE program as an industry partner in any capacity, please contact Tamara Torok at clue_coordinator@csit.carleton.ca.

PDF: How to become an Industry Partner with CLUE