Short Courses

To provide students with a better, well-rounded experience by allowing them to obtain skills in other fields than their own, a number of short courses will be offered. Students will be required to offer a similar course or workshop to industrial partners, fellow graduate students, undergraduate students, or the general public to further develop a resource for the local and global HCI practitioner communities.

Some examples of short courses CLUE will offer include:

  • Identifying Business Needs
  • Introduction to Project Management, Analysis and Specification
  • Introduction to programming, integration and technical problem solving.
  • Aspects of public policy and legislation on interface and interaction design.
  • Introduction to quantitative and qualitative research methods in HCI: collecting and analyzing HCI data, presenting the findings and specifying practical implications
  • Design methods applied to user interfaces: Sketching & low fidelity prototyping; codesign research methods; sensory aspects; sustainable design; materials; management.
  • Usability Evaluations
  • Public Speaking/Presentation


Workshops will provide short, intense discussions and hands-on experience on a variety of topics that will complement the students’ background, current curriculum and short courses. Some examples of workshops the CLUE program will offer that are focussed towards professional skills required for the HCI practitioner include:

  • Ethics and usability
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Confidentiality
  • Accessibility
  • Basics of consultancy
  • Data management for large scale testing
  • Intellectual property
  • Portfolios & interview skills
  • Internship Learning Outcomes Workshop

Online Workshops include:

End-of-Internship Presentations

Developing Effective Work Relationships

by Justin Chin

UX Reflections on Designing a Digital Research Tool

by Gerry Chan

How to Assess Yourself as a Developing Professional

by Rebecca Jeong