Performing on one of the world’s largest musical instruments, the carillonneur produces music at a keyboard console not unlike that of an organ, with both manuals and a pedal board that is connected to an array of bells. Carleton University possesses its own practice carillon, and Ottawa’s National Carillon is located in the Peace Tower of Canada’s parliament buildings.
The Certificate in Carillon Studies is a focused course of study [4.0 credits] with three main objectives:
- to rapidly develop proficiency in carillon performance up to the point at which graduates will be at a professional competency or will have the understanding and strategies necessary to reach such competency;
- to enhance students understanding of the particular history, cultural significance, and compositional potential of the carillon; and
- to develop the specific research and creative skills necessary for graduates to explore those potentials further on their own and develop those interests in the direction of professional research and composition.
While the Diploma in Carillon Studies may be completed as an independent, stand-alone diploma, all courses taken in completion of the curriculum outlined above may be applied for credit toward the Bachelor of Music or B.A. Music degrees, should a diploma student opt to apply for acceptance to one of these programs. Since the courses are transferable in this way, it will also be possible for students currently enrolled in one of Carleton’s undergraduate Music programs to concurrently complete the Diploma in Carillon Studies.