CU SSHRC Exchange Grants Final Research Report 1. Principal Investigator InformationPlease provide the information about the Principal Investigator.Name* First Last Email* Academic Rank* Full Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Faculty*<Please select your Faculty>Faculty of Arts and Social ScienceFaculty of Engineering and DesignFaculty of Public AffairsFaculty of ScienceSprott School of BusinessDepartment (FASS)*<Please select your department>African Studies (Institute of)Art and Culture (School for Studies in)Cognitive Science (Department of)Comparative Studies in Literature, Art, and Culture (Institute of)English Language and Literature (Department of)Feminist Institute of Social TransformationFrench (Department of)Geography and Environmental Studies (Department of)History (Department of)Humanities (College of the)Indigenous and Canadian Studies (School of)Interdisciplinary Studies (Institute of)Linguistics and Language Studies (School of)Philosophy (Department of)Psychology (Department of)Sociology and Anthropology (Department of)Department (FED)*<Please select your department>Azrieli School of Architecture and UrbanismCivil and Environmental Engineering (Department of)Electronics (Department of)Industrial Design (School of)Information Technology (School of)Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (Department of)Systems and Computer Engineering (Department of)Department (FPA)*<Please select your department>Arthur Kroeger CollegeBachelor of Global and International StudiesCriminology and Criminal Justice (Institute of)Economics (Department of)European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies (Institute of)International Affairs (Norman Paterson School of)Journalism and Communication (School of)Law and Legal Studies (Department of)Political Economy (Institute of)Political Science (Department of)Public Policy and Administration (School of)Social Work (School of)Department (SCI)*<Please select your department>Biochemistry (Institute of)Biology (Department of)Chemistry (Department of)Computer Science (School of)Earth Sciences (Department of)Environmental Interdisciplinary Science (Institute of)Health Sciences (Department of)Mathematics and Statistics (School of)Neuroscience (Department of)Physics (Department of)Department (SPROTT)*Business (Sprott School of)2. Project InformationPlease provide details about your project.Project Title* CUResearch File Number* The CUResearch file number can be found by logging into your CUResearch profile, clicking on your "Applications: Post-Review", and will be located to the left of your project title. (ex:119877) If you are experiencing trouble accessing your CUResearch account, please contact: Curesearch@CUNET.CARLETON.CAProject Start Date* YYYY slash MM slash DD Project End Date* YYYY slash MM slash DD Total Award Amount*Field of Study* Architecture/Design Arts Business Engineering Health Sciences Humanities Social Sciences Science Main Discipline(s)*Please select all those that apply. Anthropology Archaeology Archival Science Classics, Classical & Dead Languages Communications & Media Studies Criminology Cultural Studies Demography Economics Education Fine Arts Folklore Gender Studies Geography History Industrial Relations Interdisciplinary Studies Law Library & Information Science Linguistics Literature & Modern Languages Management, Business, Administrative Studies Mediaeval Studies Medical Sciences Multidisciplinary Studies Natural Sciences & Engineering Philosophy Political Science Psychology Religious Studies Research-Creation Social Work Sociology Urban & Regional Studies, Environmental Studies Women's Studies Other Please specify 'Other'*Please provide a simple description of the discipline. If there are multiple different disciplines, please add each one separately. 3. Activity/TrainingPlease provide the details about the activities and training regarding your project.Please provide a brief description of the activities supported*Indicate the number of highly qualified personnel (HQP) engaged in research and related activities:Undergraduate*Please enter a number from 0 to 10.Masters*Please enter a number from 0 to 10.Doctoral*Please enter a number from 0 to 10.Post Doctorates*Please enter a number from 0 to 10.Other*Number of individuals involved that do not fall into the above categories.Please enter a number from 0 to 10.Please specify 'Other'*Please provide a simple description of their role (ex: Mechanic). If there are multiple different roles, please add each one separately. Indicate the type of skills the HQP acquired*Please select all that apply. Communications Product Design & Delivery Consultation & Community Engagement Event Planning Leadership & Teamwork Presentations (Verbal/Written/Video) Project & Human Resources Management Social media Video editing Website Content Creation/Editing Workshops & Conferences Organization/Planning Other (please specify) Please specify 'Other'*Please provide a simple description of the skill(s) (ex: Journal editing). If there is more than one, please add each in a separate entry. 4. OutcomesPlease provide information about the outcomes of your project.External Grant ApplicationsPlease list all grants, indicating for each: - Status (anticipated, submitted or awarded) - Date (of submission/notice of decision ex: Sept 12, 2023) - Program (name of the external program ex: Insight Grant) - Title of Project - Amount (Requested/Awarded) Leave blank if noneStatusDateProgramTitleAmount ($) PublicationsPlease list all publications, indicating for each: - Status (anticipated, submitted or accepted) - Type (peer-reviewed or non-peer reviewed) - Format (journal article, book, edited book, conference publication, report, etc) - Full citation information including (expected) publication date Leave blank if noneStatusTypeFormatFull Citation PartnershipsPlease list any partnerships or collaborations that resulted from your activities Leave blank if nonePartner NameCountry of Origin Which audiences were engaged in or by your Knowledge Mobilization activity(ies)?*Select all that apply Aboriginal Peoples Academic Sector/Peers Artist-Researchers Federal Government General Public International Not-for-Profit Organizations Municipal Government Not-for-Profit/Community Organizations Official Languages Minority Communities Para-Public Institutions (e.g., Museums & Libraries) Postsecondary Institutions Postsecondary Students Practitioner/Professional/Industrial Associations Private Sector Companies Provincial Government Scholarly Associations Not Applicable Other Please specify 'Other'*Please provide a simple description of the audience. If there are multiple different audiences, please add each one separately. 5. FeedbackPlease provide feedback regarding your experience with the CU SSHRC Exchange Grants program.How important are the CU SSHRC Exchange Grants in supporting your research related goals?*<Please Select an Option>Not ImportantImportantVery ImportantUndecidedHow helpful did you find the peer-review feedback provided from the adjudication committee on your CU SSHRC Exchange application?*<Please Select an Option>Not ImportantImportantVery ImportantUndecidedAdditional CommentsPlease indicate any additional comments related to the CU Development Grants suite of programs.Max: 250 words Δ Share: Twitter, Facebook Short URL: