CU SSHRC Exchange Grants Final Research Report

  • 1. Principal Investigator Information

    Please provide the information about the Principal Investigator.
  • 2. Project Information

    Please provide details about your project.
  • The CUResearch file number can be found by logging into your CUResearch profile, clicking on your "Applications: Post-Review", and will be located to the left of your project title. (ex:119877)

    If you are experiencing trouble accessing your CUResearch account, please contact: Curesearch@CUNET.CARLETON.CA
  • Select date YYYY slash MM slash DD
  • Select date YYYY slash MM slash DD
  • Please select all those that apply.
  • 3. Activity/Training

    Please provide the details about the activities and training regarding your project.
  • Indicate the number of highly qualified personnel (HQP) engaged in research and related activities:
  • Please enter a number from 0 to 10.
  • Please enter a number from 0 to 10.
  • Please enter a number from 0 to 10.
  • Please enter a number from 0 to 10.
  • Number of individuals involved that do not fall into the above categories.
    Please enter a number from 0 to 10.
  • Please select all that apply.
  • 4. Outcomes

    Please provide information about the outcomes of your project.
  • Please list all grants, indicating for each:

    - Status (anticipated, submitted or awarded)
    - Date (of submission/notice of decision ex: Sept 12, 2023)
    - Program (name of the external program ex: Insight Grant)
    - Title of Project
    - Amount (Requested/Awarded)

    Leave blank if none
    StatusDateProgramTitleAmount ($) 
  • Please list all publications, indicating for each:

    - Status (anticipated, submitted or accepted)
    - Type (peer-reviewed or non-peer reviewed)
    - Format (journal article, book, edited book, conference publication, report, etc)
    - Full citation information including (expected) publication date

    Leave blank if none
    StatusTypeFormatFull Citation 
  • Please list any partnerships or collaborations that resulted from your activities

    Leave blank if none
    Partner NameCountry of Origin 
  • Select all that apply
  • 5. Feedback

    Please provide feedback regarding your experience with the CU SSHRC Exchange Grants program.
  • Please indicate any additional comments related to the CU Development Grants suite of programs.
    Max: 250 words