Inter-Institutional Agreement (a.k.a sub-contracts or transfers of funds)

CORIS manages inter-institutional agreements from the following funding sources:

Note: CORIS also manages Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) inter-institutional agreements.


Are you…

Requesting a transfer to another institution? (Outgoing) or ….

Important Note: 

NSERC and SSHRC permit the transfer of grant funds to co-applicants and co-directors, but not to collaborators.

NSERC only permits the transfer of grant funds to NSERC-eligible institutions.

CIHR permits the transfer of grant funds to individuals supporting the grant activities at other locations, including but not limited to principal applicants.

Submit an OUTGOING transfer request:

  1. Start an event in cuResearch. (Download illustrated step by step instructions HERE).
  2. Select the type of agreement you wish to request
    1. Invoicing Agreement
      Allows for review and approval of funds prior to reimbursement of expenses.
      Collaborators may not have sufficient funds to cover the expenses.
    2. Accountable/Delegated Cash Advance (Transfer of funds) Agreement
      Funding can be sent in advance of purchases.
      Funding may not be used for the intended purpose;
      Funding may be spent on ineligible expenses;
      The collaborating institution may not provide a financial report; and
      In the event that ineligible expenses are incurred and/or reporting is not completed and the collaborating institution does not address the error, the Principal Investigator will be required to use another source of funding to make up the budget shortfall.
    3. Complete the required information, which includes:
      • Collaborating institution’s full legal name;
      • Recipient’s first and last name, and email address;
      • Budgeted amount with total sum for direct and indirect costs;
      • Activities the funds are supporting (scope of work/use of funds)
      • Start and end dates for the agreement (sub-contract)
        • Start date must be:
          • No earlier than the start of the use of funds
          • No later than the last day of the previous agreement
        • End date must be:
          • Within 12 months from the start date
          • One month prior to the end date for the use of funds,
            • i.e. if the grant end date is March 31, 2024. the agreement end date February 28, 2024
      • Any additional information that may be required such as:
        • The collaborating institution’s administrative contact; and/or
        • The collaborating institution’s financial contact.
      • For delegated/cash advance agreements (subsequent sequential transfer of funds), remember to confirm the balance at the collaborating institution and provide it in the request. (If the recipient has not spent more than 80% of the original amount, confirmation that the existing funds are committed and new funds are needed is required.)

Process and Approximate timelines

Step Approximate Timeline
1) Agreement Draft  Two (2) to (3) weeks (if all information is submitted)
2) Collaborating Institution Review Within Canada: two (2) to three (3) weeks to six (6) months

Internationally: one (1) month to three (3) years

Note: Most internationally based institutions expect to recuperate indirect costs and may not be willing to sign an agreement for funding that does not permit such expenses, i.e. Tri-Council funding

3) Carleton Countersignatures One (1) to two (2) weeks

Note that it is the requester’s responsibility to fully understand and adhere to the terms and conditions of agreements.

4) Financial Approval and Issuing Two (2) to four (4) weeks

Note: Finance will hold all transfers if the Collaborating institution has not submitted the mandatory financial reporting documents.

Have you received an Agreement (Incoming)?

Process for review of sub-contract

  1. Login to cuResearch;
  2. Select “Apply New” on the top right;
  3. Select “Approval Form” under CORIS awards; and
  4. Complete the required information on all tabs based on the information contained in your sub-agreement, which includes:
    • Project Tab:
      • Project Title;
      • Start date of the use of funds;
      • End date of the agreement: and
      • Sponsor Tab
        • Agency:
          • Issuing/sub-contracting institution sending funding and the disbursement by year ex: University of Ottawa (amount of direct and indirect costs)
          • Original funding source with $0 dollar; ex: SSHRC Insight
        • Attachments
          • Upload a copy of the agreement
  5. CORIS will contact you after reviewing the agreement to make a recommendation which may include revisions to the terms  and conditions in order to protect you more comprehensively and align with Carleton policy. Please review the terms and conditions carefully and ask as many questions as required.
  6. Once the agreement has both the institutional signature and yours, it is returned to the issuing/sub-contracting institution.
  7. The issuing/sub-contracting institution will countersign and send a copy to Carleton.
  8. If all ethics requirements have been met the agreement will the sent to Research Financial Services for processing.