Carleton University’s Real-Time and Distributed Systems (RADS) Research Centre is well known for its world-class research on real-time and distributed systems. Several RADS researchers are engaged in cutting-edge research on the enabling technology for batch (bulk), real-time and streaming data analytics. Examples include novel resource management techniques for clouds, in general, and platforms that support parallel frameworks used by particularly data analytics applications. Such platforms are necessary for speeding up the performance and meeting the latency requirement of data analytics applications for enterprises and cyber-physical systems. Two of its recent inter-disciplinary research projects include cloud-based platforms for smart facilities management. This research has addressed the unification of geographically distributed heterogeneous resources for the monitoring and analysis of sensor data from smart facilities such as bridges and industrial/aerospace machinery. Research is also underway on data classification, artificial intelligence and machine learning critical for data analytics applications. Tools and techniques for data mining, data visualization, and analysis of internet traffic data are currently under development. The Centre maintains close collaborations with the industrial sector, and its state-of-the-art advancing contributions are recognized internationally.