Photo of Claudia Sendanyoye

Claudia Sendanyoye

MSc Student

Degrees:BHSc (Honours, Chronic Illness and Disability)

Claudia Sendanyoye holds a Bachelors of Health Sciences (BHSc) with a concentration in Chronic Illness and Disability from the Department of Health Sciences at Carleton University.  Currently a graduate student, continuing her studies within the Department of Health Sciences, Claudia is pursing her Masters of Science (MSc) with a research focus on mental health systems in rural and remote communities. Her MSc project examines the internal structures of collaborative care networks in rural Ontario Early Psychosis Intervention (EPI) programs using social network analysis. Overarchingly, this work contributes to an increased understanding of system collaborative approaches in rural mental health service delivery.

Claudia is passionate about advancing health equity for marginalized populations in Canada, specifically as it relates to mental health and wellness of racialized minorities and rural and remote populations.  This is reflected in Claudia’s involvement with the Free-Range International Knowledge Partnership since her third year of her BHSc. As a Free-Range scholar, her undergraduate thesis project examined physician recruitment and retention initiatives in rural and remote communities in Canada and Australia. Following up this work as an MSc student, Claudia will be conducting a scoping review examining recruitment and retention initiatives for rural mental health professionals in Canada and Australia.

In the future, Claudia hopes to utilize creative mediums of knowledge mobilization, such as documentary film and television to share research findings and change the narrative on mental illness.