Photo of Michele LeBlanc

Michele LeBlanc

BHSc Student, Free Range Scholar

Michele LeBlanc (Free Range Scholar) is a fourth-year Health Sciences student at Carleton University, concentrating in Global Health. Michele has been working with the Spatial Determinants of Health Lab since 2017, first as a Dean’s Science Research Intern (DSRI), then as an I-CUREUS intern. In these roles, she has participated in community-engaged international research projects regarding rural and remote health. Michele has conducted field work, given presentations, and attended conferences in Sweden, Australia, Iceland, and Canada.

In the winter 2020 semester, Michele will be studying at Flinders University in South Australia. This exchange will enable her to participate in community-engaged research in the region with Free Range collaborators. Michele intends on pursuing a career in global health, where she hopes to help improve access to health care for minority and hard-to-reach populations.