DATA 6909 Comprehensive Advisory Committee & Reading List

The supervisor determines the advisory committee, reading list, and submits this form.

The comprehensive aims to assess the student’s ability to do doctoral research and serves as a starting point for the Ph.D. literature survey and selection of a research topic.

The student prepares and submits a document focusing on the problem statement, literature review, and gap analysis for the comprehensive exam. The student defends their submission in an oral exam, including questions from examiners, but no presentation.

For further details about the comprehensive, visit: Guidelines for Completion of a Doctoral Degree
  • From participating DSAAI unit.
  • From participating DSAAI unit.
  • Chair should be from participating DSAAI unit.
    Supervisor(s) cannot chair the committee.
  • The final reading list may be 20 to 30 papers.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.