Photo of Paige Pinto

Paige Pinto

Publisher’s Representative at Broadview Press

Degrees:BHum '17, MPhil '18

BHum (with combined Honours in English), 2017 – Carleton

MPhil in English Studies (18th Century and Romantic), 2018 – University of Cambridge

After I finished my MPhil, I began my current job at Broadview Press. As a publisher’s representative, I discuss (and promote!) Broadview’s higher-education books with humanities professors in Canada and the United States. I still get to be involved in the world of academia, but from a very different perspective. My degree in English literature helps me every day: it’s the basis for my enthusiasm about the books Broadview publishes, and the reason I can relate in a real and honest way to the challenges instructors face in preparing their courses. Outside of my career, the creative writing community I found at Carleton continues to support and inspire my work.