Hugh Reid
Degrees: | B.A. Honours, M.A.(Carleton), B.Ed. (Queen's) Ph.D. (London) |
Phone: | 613-520-2600 x 2318 |
Email: | hugh_reid@carleton.ca |
Office: | 1915 Dunton Tower |
Contract Instructor Teaching Award, 2019
Contract Instructor Teaching Award, 2009 – 2010
Carleton University Students Association Teaching Excellence Award, 1994 – 1995
Research Interests:
I am particularly interested in the eighteenth century book trade and especially in book subscription lists and what they can tell us about the reading public at the time. I am the current Advisory Editor for New Perspectives on the Eighteenth Century. As well, I have an abiding interest in the Wartons.
The Nature and Uses of Eighteenth Century Book Subscription Lists, The Edwin Mellen Press, 2010.
Chapters in Books
“ “Hazardous purchasing almost anything”: The Intriguing Relationship of the Wartons, Subscription Lists, and the Eighteenth-Century Book Trade” in The World of Elizabeth Inchbald: Essays on Literature, Culture, and Theatre in the Long Eighteenth Century, eds. Daniel J. Ennis, E. Joe Johnson. (Newark, University of Delaware Press, 2022) 184-196.
“O the Roast Beef of Olde England. The Hogarthian Vision of the Wartons” in Comedy. Essays in Honour of Peter Dixon. (London, 1993) 182-200.
“ ‘The Want of a Closer Union…’: The Friendship of Samuel Johnson and Joseph Warton” in The Age of Johnson 9 (New York, 1998) 133-43.
Forthcoming publications:
“Hazardous purchasing almost anything”: The Intriguing Relationship of the Wartons, Subscription Lists and the Eighteenth-Century Book Trade in Essays in Honour of Annibel Jenkins (University of Delaware Press).
Contributions to Research Volumes and Papers in Refereed Journals
A Review of Mind, Body, Motion, Matter: Eighteenth Century British and French Literary Perspectives, eds. Mary Helen McMurray and Alison Conway. University of Toronto Quarterly Vol. 87 Issue 3, Summer 2018, pp. 476-478.
“Re-Dating of an Important Joseph Warton Letter”, Notes and Queries, June 2015, 301-2.
Articles on Thomas Warton the elder, Thomas Warton the younger, Joseph Warton, Anthony Champion (4) in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, September 2004.
“The Printing of Joseph Warton’s Odes, 1746.” Papers of the Bibliographic Society of America, June 1990, 151-57. Reprinted in Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism, Vol. 118 (WCLC118) pp. 358-60, Lynn Zott (ed.), pub. Gale, 2003.
“Joseph Warton, Joshua Reynolds, and the New College Window.” New College Record (1983) 13-15.
“Jenny: The Fourth Warton.” Notes and Queries, March, 1986, 84-94.
A review of John Vance, Joseph and Thomas Warton (Twayne English Authors Series, pp.152. Notes and Queries, September 1986, 417-8.
“A Note on James Grainger’s ‘Ode To Solitude’.” Notes and Queries, December 1986, 518.
“A Probable Addition to the Poetic Works of Joseph Warton.” Review of English Studies, November `1987, 526-29.
“O the Roast Beef of Olde England. The Hogarthian Vision of the Wartons” in Comedy. Essays in Honour of Peter Dixon. (London, 1993) 182-200.
“ ‘The Want of a Closer Union…’: The Friendship of Samuel Johnson and Joseph Warton” in The Age of Johnson 9 (New York, 1998) 133-43.
“Those beck’ning ghost(s): The Subscribers to Thomas Warton’s Poems (1748).” English Studies in Canada 25 (1999): 277-94.
Papers Presented:
“ Hazardous purchasing anything’: The Intriguing Relationship of the Wartons, Subscription Lists, and the Eighteenth Century Book Trade.” Southeastern American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, 27 February – 1 March 2014.
“The Oxford Sausage: a corrective to ‘All such Persons, therefore, as grown thin, by too much study.” Southeastern American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, Charleston, South Carolina, 27 Feb.- 2 March 2013.
Chair at the same conference: “The Novel As Instruction.”
“The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: The Poets Laureate of the Eighteenth Century”. Southeastern Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, Decatur, Georgia, 1 – 3 March, 2012.
Chair at the same conference: “Swift’s Legacy.”
“Teaching a Course on Eighteenth Century Book Subscription Lists”. Southeastern American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, Wake Forest University, Winston Salem, North Carolina, 3 – 5 March 2011.
“ ‘No man but a blockhead’: Books Purchased by Subscription by Samuel Johnson and James Boswell”. Southeastern American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City Tennessee, 18-20 February 23, 2010.
“The Nature and Uses of Eighteenth Century Book Subscription Lists”. Southeastern American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, Charlotte, North Carolina (hosted by Winthrop University), 5-7 March 2009.
Chair at the same conference: “Reputation and Decption”.
“ ‘There is some spirit in these lines’: The Influence of the Wartons on the Sonnet Revival in the Eighteenth Century”. Southeastern American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, 14-17 February 2008.
Chair at the same conference: “Dialectics”.
“ ‘—awak’d, inspir’d, amaz’d, I mark’d another world’: The Influence of the Wartons on the Poets of the 1780s’. American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, Atlanta, Georgia, 22-25 March 2007.
“James Oglethorpe, Bibliophile and Friend.” Southeastern Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, 2-4 March, 2006.
“Joseph Warton’s Letters to Mary Morgan”. Southeastern American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, Coastal Carolina University, 3-5 March 2005.
Chair at the same conference: “Books and Other Objects.”
‘ “And have you nothing to send me? ”: The Intriguing Relationship of the Wartons and the Dodsleys and What It Tells Us About the Eighteenth Century Book Trade”. Southeastern American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, Savannah, Georgia, 4- 6 March 2004.
Chair at the same conference: “The Sensational Antonio Salieri.”
“ ‘From Wit to Beef, Shakespeare to the Shambles”: The Comic Poetry of the Wartons. Southeastern Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, University of South Carolina, 27 February-1 March 2003.
Chair at same conference: “Swift: Saint or Sinner?”
“ ‘Balm of my Cares, Sweet Solace of my Toils. Hail Juice benignant!’: Beer and Its Role in the Eighteenth Century.” Southeastern Society for Eighteenth Century Studies. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 28 February-2 March 2002.
Chair at the same conference: “British Society and Politics.”
“ “Twas a good dinner to be sure; but not a dinner to invite a man to’—‘We had for dinner…’: Parson Woodforde, Samuel Johnson and the Appetite of the Age.” Southeastern Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, University of Alabama Huntsville, 1-3 March 2001.
Chair at the same conference: “Material Publication in the Public Sphere.”
“ ‘Hazardous purchasing anything’: The Wartons and Their Publishers.” Southeastern Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, Savannah, Georgia, 2-4March 2000.
Chair at the same conference: “New Interpretations of Restoration Drama.”
“ “How far that little candle throws its beams’: The Influence of the Wartons on Eighteenth Century Shakespearean Thought.” Southeastern Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 4-6 March 1999.
Chair at the same conference: “Bringing the Eighteenth Century to Life.”
“ ‘Tis the good reader that makes the good book’: Early Eighteenth Century Female Readers and What They Read.” Southeastern Society For Eighteenth Century Studies, Atlanta, Georgia, 5-7 March1998.
Chair at the same conference: “Aspects of the theatre.”
“ ‘What beck’ning ghost[s]…’ The Subscribers to Thomas Warton’s Poems on Several Occasions.” Southeastern Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, Florida State University, Tallahassee, 29 February-2 March 1996.
“Pope, Profits, and Women: The Female Subscribers to the Iliad and the Odyssey.” Southeastern Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, University of South Alabama, Mobile, 15-19 February 1995.
Chair at the same conference: “Family Matters.”.
“The Female Subscribers to Pope’s Home.” Northeastern Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, Fordham University, Lincoln Centre, New York City, 6-9 October 1994.
“The ESP Project: Its Nature and Applications.” American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, Charleston, South Carolina, 9-13 March 1994 (with Ken Carpenter of Harvard).
“O the Roast Beef of Olde England: The Hogarthian Vision of the Wartons.” Southeastern Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 4-6 March 1993.
“ ‘Bringing poetry back into its right channel’: the years 1744-56 and their influence.” Southeastern Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, Wake Forest University, 27-29 February 1992.
“Shakespearean Criticism in the British Magazine.” Southeastern American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 28 February,1,2 March 1991.
“ ‘The want of a closer union’: The Samuel Johnson/Joseph Warton Friendship.” DeBartolo Conference on Eighteenth Century Studies, University of South Florida, 14-16 February 1991.
“The Printing of Joseph Warton’s Odes 1746-47.” Southeastern Society for Eighteenth Century Society, The Citadel, Charleston, South Carolina, March, 1989.
Chair at the same conference, “Family and Marriage in Literature.”
“Editing the Poetry of the Wartons.” Southeastern Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, March, 1987.
“Joseph Warton and the Changing Poetic Taste of the Mid-Eighteenth Century.” Canadian Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, University of Ottawa, October 1986.
“Joseph Warton’s criticism of Shakespeare in the Adventurer.” Southeastern Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, University of South Carolina, March 1986.
“Literature, Politics, and Society in Joseph Warton’s Letters.” Canadian Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, University of Guelph, 17-20 October 1985.
“Warton, Collins, and Johnson: The Friendship and ‘Dissipation’ of Early Life.” Southeastern Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, 7-9 March 1985.
Graduate Courses taught:
English 5402: “Pope, Swift, and Johnson: Depictions of Gender and Friendship”. This course was a 1999 finalist (one of 6 and the only Canadian) in the American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies Teaching Competition.
English 5402: A Course on Eighteenth Century Book Subscription Lists
I have supervised one MA thesis:
Matt Minter, “Disinterested Benevolent Sensibility in Henry MacKenzie’s The man of Feeling: Reconsidering the Role of Shaftesbury’s Sentimental Philosphy in the Rise of the Sentimental Novel,” 1998-1999, M.A. Thesis.
And a number of MA Research Essays, including:
Kristen Schoenhals, “ ‘To raise the Thoughts, and moralize the Mind’ : Intelligence, Virtue and Femininity in the Poetry of Elizabeth Carter,” 1997-1998, M.A. Research Essay.