Photo of Percy Walton

Percy Walton


Degrees:B.A. Honours, M.A.(McMaster), Ph.D. (Toronto)

Research Interests

  • American Studies
  • Popular Culture
  • Media Studies
  • Victorian Culture


Dialing 911:  American Culture Post 9/11. Co-Authored with Bruce Tucker. London: Palgrave, 2012.

Becoming Biosubjects:  Bodies, Systems, Technologies. Co-Authored with Sheryl Hamilton, Rebecca Sullivan, Neil Gerlach. Toronto:  University of Toronto Press, 2011. Winner of the 2012 Gertrude J. Robinson Award for Best Book in Communication.

Our Cannibals, Ourselves: The Body Politic. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2004. Nominated for the Rene Wellek Book Award.

Border Crossings:  Thomas King’s Cultural Inversions. Co-Authored with Arnold E. Davidson and Jennifer Andrews. Toronto:  University of Toronto Press, 2003.

Detective Agency:  Women Re-Writing the Hard-Boiled Tradition. Co-Authored with Manina Jones. Berkeley: The University of California Press, 1999.

Patriarchal Desire and Victorian Discourse:  A Lacanian Reading of Anthony Trollope’s Palliser Novels. Toronto:  The University of Toronto Press, 1995. Nominated for the Rene Wellek Book Award, and the James Lowell Prize.

The Disruption of the Feminine in Henry James. The University of Toronto Press, 1992.  Nominated for the Rene Wellek Book Award, and the James Russell Lowell Prize.


The Portrait of a Lady. London: Everyman Paperbacks, 1995. Reprinted 1999.

Edited Collections

Pop Can: Popular Culture in Canada. Co-Edited with Dr. Lynne Van Luven. Toronto:  Prentice-Hall, 1999.

Articles in Refereed Journals

“Rethinking Canadian and American Nationality:  Indigeneity and the 49th Parallel in Thomas King.”  Co-Authored with Jennifer Andrews.  Invited Submission. American Literary History. 18.3 (2006): 600-617.

“From General’s Daughter to Coalminer’s Daughter: The Case of Jessica Lynch.” (Co-Authored with Bruce Tucker). Special issue of Canadian Review of American Studies, Ed. by Dana Medoro and David Churchill.

“Interrogating Judicial Bodies: Women and the Legal Thriller.” South Central Review. 18.3-4 (2001): 21-37.

“Border Crossings:  Alterna(rra)tives in Thomas King’s Green Grass, Running Water. Genre.  XXXI.1 (1998): 73-86.

“Form and Forum: The Agency of Detectives and the Venue of the Short Story.” Narrative. 6.2 (1998): 123-139.

“A Slippage of Masks:  Dis-Guising Catwoman in Batman Returns.” Canadian Journal of Film Studies. 6.1 (1997): 91-110.

“`The Tie of a Common Aversion’:  Sexual Tensions in Henry James’s The Other House. The Henry James Review 17.1 (1996): 11-21.

“Untangling Karla’s Web: Post-National Arguments and Cross-Border Crimes.” Co-Authored with Michael Dorland. The American Review of Canadian Studies. 26.1 (1996):  31-48.

“Paretsky’s V.I. as P.I.: Revising the Script and Recasting the Dick.” Literature/Interpretation/Theory. 4 (1993):  1-11.

“`There had to be some way to show the difference’:  Authorial Presence and Supplementarity in James’s `The Private Life.'” Victorian Review.  18.1 (1992):  13-23.

Contributions to Books

“’The Girl who pays our salaries’:  Stieg Larsson’s Millennium Trilogy.”  In Rape and Crime Fiction.  London:  Palgrave, 2012.  1-35.

“Public Education and Citizenship: What Not To Wear in the United Kingdom and the United States.”  In Crossing the Pond: American Remakes of British Television.  Eds.  Carlen Lavigne and Heather Marcovitch: Palgrave, 2011:  75-99.

“Communicating Indigeneity: Thomas King’s Detective Fiction.” Co-Authored with Jennifer Andrews. In Detective Fiction in Canada. Ed. Jeanette Sloniowski Forthcoming: 2011.

A Post-Colonial Henry James?” Invited Submission. In Henry James in Context. Ed. David McWhirter. Cambridge University Press, 2011: 136-152.

“Sharon McCone: From PI to Anti-Terrorist.” Invited Submission. Echoes from a Wild and Lonely Place:  Marcia Muller and American Literature. Eds. Alexander Howe and Christine Jackson.  London: McFarland & Company, 2008:  79-91.

“James, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.” Invited Submission. Palgrave Advances in Literature: Henry James. Ed. Peter Rawlings. London: Palgrave, 2007: 80-99.

Queering Vietnam: Katherine V. Forrest’s Liberty Square.” Talk the Talk: Oral History and the Vietnam War. Eds. Paul Budra and Michael Zeitlin. Bloomington, IN: University of Iowa Press, 2004.  167-182.

“He took no notice of her; he looked at me”: Subjectivities and Sexualities in The Turn of the Screw.” Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism: The Turn of the Screw. Ed. Peter Beidler. (new essay in Rev. Ed.):  Boston: Bedford Books, 2004.  305-317.


  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Conference Grant, 2011
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Research Grant (with Bruce Tucker), 2005-2008
  • Carleton Research Achievement Award, 2004-2005
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Research Grant (with Sheryl Hamilton, Rebecca Sullivan, Neil Gerlach), 2001-2004
  • Carleton Teaching Achievement Award, 2000-2001
  • Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Conference Grant, 2000
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Research Grant (with Arnold E. Davidson), 1998-2001
  • Carleton Research Achievement Award, 1997-98
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Research Grant (with Manina Jones), 1995-98
  • Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Conference Grant, 1994
  • Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Research Grant, 1992-95
  • United States Embassy Grant, 1994
  • U.S. Embassy Grant, 1992-1994

Invited Lectures

“Carrie Bradshaw’s Tutu: Marketing Perfume Post-Sex in the City.”  Co-Authored with Jennifer Andrews.  Freiberg University, Freiberg, Germany, May, 2010.

“Re-Reading Enron:  Postmodern Finance and Figures.”  Keynote Address.  Canadian Association of American Studies, 2007.

“Extreme Makeovers:  Critiquing Cosmetic Cultures.  Paper Presented to the Rhetoric, Politics, Ethics Conference, University of Ghent, April, 2005.

Participant in Roundtable Discussion of International American Studies.  American Studies Association Conference.  Atlanta:   October, 2004.

“The Women of Henry James.”  Paper presented at the University of Ghent, December, 2003.

“Daisies & Diseases:  Gender and Ethnicity in Henry  James.” Paper presented at Trent University, November, 2001.

“Native Writing in North America.” Paper presented at Duke University, Durham, NC, February,1995.

Papers presented at Conferences

“’The Girl who pays our salaries’:  Stieg Larsson’s Millennium Trilogy as    Manifesto.”   Paper presented to The International Society of Narrative, Las Vegas, March, 2012.

“Bankruptcies of Meaning Post 9-11.”  German American Studies Conference.  Berlin, May, 2010.

“Marcia Muller and Sharon McCone.  North-East Popular Culture Conference.  Niagara Falls,  November, 2008.

“ReGendering Sharon McCone.”  Paper Presented to The Sixth International Conference in New Directions in the Humanities.  Istanbul, July, 2008.

“Treatments of Trauma:  Post-9/11 Narratives.”   Cultural Studies Association.  New York City, May, 2008.

“Tim LaHaye and Left Behind:  Anticipating the “End Times.”  Paper delivered to the International Association for the Study of the Americas.  Lisbon, September, 2007.

“Scripting Captivity Narratives  Globalism, Imperialism, and Iraq.”  Paper delivered to the Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies.  Vancouver, August 17-22, 2007.

“From Prison to Prime-Time:  Re-Inventing Martha Stewart.”  Paper presented to Crossroads in Cultural Studies.  Istanbul.  July 20-23, 2006.

“Violation or Salvation?  Critiquing Plastic Surgery.”  Paper presented to The Canadian Association of American Studies.  Halifax, October, 2005.

“Becoming BioSubjects.”  Paper presented to the Canadian Communication Association, The Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences.  London,  June, 2005

“Biotechnological Hauntings.”  Paper presented to the Association of Commonwealth Languages and Literatures Society Conference, Hyderabad, India, August, 2004.

“Parochialism, Globalism, & the Iconization of Jessica Lynch.”  Paper presented to Multi-Ethnic Studies of Europe and the Americas Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, May, 2004.

“Biotechnological Beauty?”  Paper presented at the Making an Appearance Conference, Brisbane, Australia, July, 2003.

“Remapping Canada:  Thomas King’s Discursive Reconstructions.”  Paper presented to the Modern Language Association.  New York, December, 2002.

“Bowl-ing with Bridget:  Metatextual References in Visual Productions.”  Paper presented to the South Central Modern Language Association.  Austin, October, 2002.

“Theoretical Biography?  Analysing Alternative Henry Jameses.” Paper presented at the International Conference of the Henry James Society.  Paris, July, 2002.

“Pushing up Daisies: Ethnicity and Contamination in Henry James’s Italy.” Paper presented to the Multi-Ethnic Studies of Europe and the Americas Conference, Padua, June, 2002.