Photo of Grace Ingraham

Grace Ingraham

Conference Reporter, Twitter Manager

Grace Ingraham is currently a fourth-year undergraduate student in the Communication and Media Studies program at Carleton University. She has a passion for writing, learning new things and enjoys anything food related. This interest in food led her to take the fourth-year Communication and Food course at Carleton where she learned about topics such as food as identity and culture. This interest also led her to complete a certificate in Baking and Pastry Arts at Algonquin College in 2017. Grace’s baking experience allowed her to work part-time in bakeries while studying at Carleton and spend three summers working food service for the Girl Guides of Canada at Camp Woolsey. One of her favourite experiences from camp was being able to facilitate outdoor cooking activities with campers. The opportunity to join the 2021 Food Matters conference team has been an exciting and rewarding experience for Grace. Attending panels, interviewing speakers and developing outreach pieces has provided her with new perspectives and expanded her knowledge of food studies.