Photo of Zi Tian Zhang

Zi Tian Zhang

Scientific Evaluator, Health Canada

Degree Year Conferred
Carleton U – BSc Honours, Food Science 2019
Employer Position Starting Year
Health Canada Scientific Evaluator 2020
A typical day at work looks like…
The majority of my work involves reviewing food additive submissions to evaluate the safety of its use. I also review data from the CFIA to evaluate the safety of various contaminants in the Canadian food supply. I have been involved in work related to food fraud in Canada as well.
My future goals are…
My next goal would be to help improve the process Health Canada uses to review food additive submissions so that businesses can bring their products to market faster while maintaining our commitment to ensuring Canadians have access to safe and nutritious food.
My degree has helped me get to where I am today by…
The content in the Food Science and Nutrition program at Carleton University is directly related to the work I do today. I find myself referring back to my notes on food risk assessment, toxicology, and food chemistry on a regular basis, not to mention, I heard about the opening at my current position through the faculty at Carleton.
My advice for current students is…
Seek out and seize every opportunity in front of you. Every experience will help you improve and it may surprise you how much of it remains relevant in your career.

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