Master of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership (MPNL)

FPAVoices-People-Christine PellerinAs the Director of Development and Partnerships at The Theatre Centre in Toronto, Christine was looking for a Master’s degree that would “add value” to her career and wouldn’t require her to uproot her life.

That made the MPNL online degree program ideal. It also introduced her to her future research topic: social finance.

“Before I started the program, I had never heard of social finance. My whole career had been in the arts, but coming here and meeting professionals from other backgrounds really broadened my horizons.”

Christine ended up focusing her Master’s research on social finance, which led to a fellowship with the Metcalf Foundation to explore the use of social finance as a new revenue stream for the arts sector.

“In a time of increased competition for an ever-dwindling pool of grant money, social finance has opened the door to other possibilities.”

Monday, September 12, 2016 in , ,
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