Q: Can I apply for both the 180HRE and the Undergraduate Showcase?

A: Yes, we welcome participants taking place in both events. While they do overlap there will be time for your Showcase entry to be visited by judges before the 180HRE event begins.

Q: When is the poster for the Undergraduate Showcase due? 

A: The poster is due on Wed. March 14th to fpa-events@carleton.ca in a saved pdf format. Your posters will be printed for you on a 36″ (width) by 28″ (height) sized paper.

Q: When is the one PowerPoint slide for the 180HRE due? 

A: The presentation slide must be submitted via email to fpa-events@carleton.ca by Mon. March 19th.

Q: What if I haven’t completed my research/HRE?

That’s fine. You will be sharing the key themes, messages and findings of your research on your poster and in your brief remarks. This means you can still participate even if your written submission doesn’t have a final title or all of the fine-tuning complete.

Q: I have class during some of the event time – can I still participate?

We have tried to create an overlap in time so that students can participate in the Undergraduate Showcase before or after a class period. We will have our judges visit your poster while you are available. Unfortunately the 180 HRE requires you to be there for the full event time.

Q: Are there prizes?

A: Yes! The top three presenters from the 180HRE are awarded prizes as well as the top poster and project at the Undergraduate Showcase

Q: How many students participate?

A: There are spots for 10-12 students to participate in the 180HRE and typically 25-35 students participate in the Undergraduate Showcase.

Q: What does a 180 second version of a research essay look like?

A: Watch last year’s participants as a great example.  You want your presentation to be compelling and easy for a general audience to understand.

Q: Is this event only for fourth year students?

No! The Undergraduate Showcase features students from first through four year. However, the 180HRE is typically made up of fourth year students who have completed an honours research essay.

Q: Who attends these events?

A: Everyone is welcome! Your fellow students are encouraged to attend as are all FPA Faculty and Staff. We provide participants with an email invitation that they can share with their family, friends, mentors and anyone else they want to attend.


Do you have a question that’s not answered here? Contact us at fpa-events@carleton.ca and we will be happy to answer for you.



Monday, July 17, 2017 in
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