Photo of Fireda Ahmed

Fireda Ahmed

Manager of Clinical Services, French-language Public School Board of Eastern Ontario (CEPEO).


Carleton Degree: Master of Social Work

Other Degrees: Bachelor of Social Work and Bachelor of Science (McGill University)

Job Title & Organization: Manager of Clinical Services with the French-language Public School Board of Eastern Ontario (CEPEO). CEPEO has over 43 schools in the eastern Ontario area, from Prescott-Russel to Kingston. I manage a team of 19 registered social workers who offer clinical services to learners from JK to adulthood.

Length of time in this role: This is my 4th year with the school board and my second in this role.

On the Job: I ensure the delivery and development of quality clinical services in the areas of youth mental health and child welfare. I provide coaching, professional support and training opportunities for my team of registered social workers.

More About Me: I have a background in physiology but my passion for mental health and human development prompted a career shift that lead me to social work. I completed my masters as a mature student and found it to be an enriching experience that propelled my career. I’m the mother of two pre-teen boys who keep me fit and I have a thirst for world cultures. Reading, watching documentaries and travelling are among my favorite hobbies.

You can read her profile as part of our GenerationFPA project