We would like to inform you that you might see extra charges for MMS messages on your invoices for:

  • August 1st  (Usage between July 2nd and August 1st) and
  • September 1st (Usage between August 2nd and September 1st)

These charges will be fully credited back to your account.

There will also be an adjustment for the voice only portion of your invoice.  You were charged $5 for the voice only portion of your plan when it should be $8 to include unlimited MMS messages.  As a result the following schedule will apply.

  • July 1st invoice – usage as per old plan, we bill monthly service fee 1 month ahead. No credits required. 3$ monthly fee will be charged and applied on September invoice.
  • August 1st invoice – MMS will be credited and credits will appear on September 1st invoice. 3$ monthly fee will be charged and deducted from credit
  • September 1st invoice- MMS will be credited and credits will appear on October 1st invoice. 3$ monthly fee will be charged automatically
  • October 1st invoice – MMS will be captured by the plan, no credits required.

The account should be billing correctly by the October 1st invoice.

We apologize the inconvenience. The new contract was signed later than expected as we were negotiating a better (unlimited) MMS messaging option.