With the new realities of the current public health crisis, more Carleton students will be learning online and remotely than ever before, many for the first time. In order to help you transition to your new classrooms, Teaching and Learning Services has prepared a list of their top tips for students studying online.

  1. Stay connected. Regularly check your Carleton email and the cuLearn pages for your courses.
  2. Reach out to your instructor or a TA if you have any questions or need clarity on something. Identify yourself and the course you are in – most instructors teach more than one course so they need some context. But please be patient, these are extraordinary times and they may need more time to respond.
  3. Find a space to work – quiet and yours. Minimize distractions and do not try to multitask (Studies have shown that it does not work).
  4. Stay disciplined. Set a schedule for course work – doing readings, viewing lectures, working on projects and assignments, etc. – and stick to it. Make a list of all the assignments and exams you have to finish and their deadlines and do not procrastinate.
  5. Let your instructor know if you need additional considerations. If you have medical appointments, are unwell, or have family needs, slow/low internet capabilities, older incompatible devices, limited access to a device, or are experiencing mental health concerns that are impacting your ability to complete your work, tell your instructor so that they can offer ideas and solutions.
  6. Think ahead. You may be asked to use a new online tool to engage with your course e.g. BigBlueButton, Zoom, or Kaltura – take the time to set up the tool in advance of an online meeting (at least 15 minutes beforehand) and review the technical requirements and instructions before using the technology to avoid last-minute technical issues.
  7. Prepare for the unexpected. Many of your professors are learning to use technologies and platforms that are new or unfamiliar to them. It’s going to take some time to adjust. Expect some bumps along the way.
  8. Don’t give up and be proactive if you hit a technical issue. For example, if your reading link is broken, maybe you can search for the journal article yourself by using the library search.
  9. Take care of your mental health. Schedule self-care into your daily schedule. Call a friend, go for a walk outside, take a bath, or watch an episode your favourite show. It’s important to carve out some time for yourself, especially when you may be feeling a little more stressed or overwhelmed than normal.
  10. Be patient. Your instructors have had to make their teaching available to you online on a very tight timeline. The best online learning takes time to develop. Please be patient and compassionate if things don’t go right for you the first time.