Earlier this year, the Research Resource Division for Refugees (RRDR), affiliated with the school of social work, published Women Refugees in International Perspectives, the second volume (covering 1991-1999) in a series of annotated bibliographies on this subject. It is available at http://integration-net.ca/infocentre/2008/001.htm.

Founded in 1985, the organized research unit specializes in research and publishing on the settlement and integration of refugees and immigrants in Canada. Its research activities have involved the settlement experiences of Southeast Asian, Salvadoran, Ethiopian and Sudanese refugees; cultural profiles of ethno-religious groups; refugee women in Canada and abroad; and the evolution of racism in Canada. The RRDR has an extensive publishing program, including INSCAN, Canada’s only national bilingual periodical on settlement issues.

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Faculty news: In memoriam: Arthur Kroeger (1932-2008)