The Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada has launched its annual competition for the Post-Graduate Research Scholars Program for 2022-2023. Committed to fostering the next generation of Asia Pacific researchers and analysts, we offer up to four Post-Graduate Research Fellowships valued at C$44,000 for Master’s graduates or C$48,000 for Ph.D. graduates for a one-year term.

Successful applicants will have a background in Asia-related research in any relevant field, and the selection will be based on excellence and fit with the Foundation’s main research priorities: Business Asia, Perspectives Asia, Digital Asia, Strategic Asia, Sustainable Asia, Engaging Asia, and Education. Please note that grants are not intended to support dissertation research.

We appreciate your help in sharing this information with your networks and encourage any excellent students and recent graduates you may know to apply. For more information on the fellowship and application details, please refer prospective candidates to:

The 2022-2023 award year is currently open to receiving applications and will close Monday, February 28, 2022.