1. Procurement Services’ Role
    1. CFI Proposals
    2. CFI-funded Purchases
  2. CFI Quotations
  3. Request for Budgetary Quote Support

As part of your application for Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) funding, you may require budgetary quotes. It’s important to know that obtaining quotes and estimates in the proposal and finalization phases does not constitute a commitment. Regardless of prior discussions with Vendors, CFI purchases must follow the requirements of Carleton’s Procurement Policy at the time of purchase.

Need help? Email us at ProcurementServices@carleton.ca.

For questions related to research funding processes, please contact the Carleton Office for Research Initiatives and Services.

For questions related to setting up your research fund, please contact Research Financial Services.

Procurement Services’ Role

CFI Proposals

Procurement Services offers a consultative supporting role during the proposal phase of your CFI funding submission, helping to ensure that Principal Investigators are aware of the Procurement Policy and all applicable legislation and trade agreements. We are here to help, however Principal Investigators are not required to request support from Procurement Services for budgetary quotes.

CFI-funded Purchases

Once you are ready to make a purchase, Procurement Services is available for any questions related to the Procurement Policy and related processes. We also directly facilitate Open Competitive Procurements.

It’s likely that there will be considerable time between your proposal and when you are ready to place (an) order(s). It’s important to ensure you build adequate time into your project to meet all the procurement requirements, including seeking updated quotes or completing a full Open Competitive Procurement, regardless of the processes completed during the proposal phase.

CFI Quotations

CFI expects that quotes will include some specific information about the pricing and discounts offered by the Vendor. Quotes should include:

  • the List Price,
  • any normal discounts, including the discounted Educational Price (a normal discount available to any educational institution) (if applicable), and
  • CFI In-Kind contributions (if applicable).

More information on discounts and in-kind contributions can be found under the CFI Policy and Program Guide Definitions (Section 6.5.1), however most Vendors will understand CFI requirements.

Request for Budgetary Quote Support

Complete this form to initiate a request to Procurement Services for support with seeking budgetary quotes for a CFI funding application. Questions? Email us at procurementservices@carleton.ca.

  • Reasearcher Contact Information

  • Research Procurement Need

  • In lay terms, what is the research being conducted?
  • In lay terms, what are you planning to buy, and how does it support your research project? This is high level (5-10 sentences).
  • Projects that represent a potential data related risk may be required to undergo a Data Protection Risk Assessment at the time you are ready to purchase.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Max file size is 15MB. If your file size is larger, please submit the form without attachments and you will have an opportunity to share them later in the process.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 15 MB.