Why use RCDC Storage?

Your Virtual Machine (VM) has its own hard drive where your files and programs will be saved.  However RCDC provides a network storage option as well.  This research storage drive provides a variety of benefits:

  • You can connect directly to your research storage from both your on-campus computer and from your VM
  • You can connect from off-campus using the Carleton VPN
  • Your research storage is larger than the local VM hard drive
  • Your research storage is backed up, while the local VM hard drive is not

To assist you in connecting to this storage, a convenience script is available on the RCDC VM.  Here is the complete list of command-line options for the script:

Usage: connect-research-drive [options]

-c connect to research storage drive (default)
-x disconnect from research storage drive
-v show command version and exit
-n dryrun: do not actually do anything, just show commands that would be run
-u USERNAME connect to storage with MC1 USERNAME
-d DRIVE connect to research storage drive named DRIVE
-h show this help message and exit

The script’s default action with no command-line options is to connect to research storage. The research drive will appear under a folder called storage/ in your home directory.

Connection Instructions

To connect your research drive, run this command on your VM:


Once you have connected, your research storage drive will appear under a directory called storage.

Warning!  Whenever you change your MyCarletonOne password, you must first disconnect storage on the VM.  Otherwise the VM tries your old password and locks you out of your Carleton account.  Contact the Research Computing team if you need assistance with this.

Disconnection Instructions

To disconnect your reserach drive, you may run this command on your VM:

connect-research-drive -x

Warning!  Whenever you change your MyCarletonOne password, you must first disconnect storage on the VM.  Otherwise the VM tries your old password and locks you out of your Carleton account.  Contact the Research Computing team if you need assistance with this.