Exam Overload

An overload is defined as:

  • 3 or more examinations scheduled in 3 consecutive periods
  • 4 or more examinations scheduled in 5 consecutive periods
  • 5 or more examinations scheduled in 7 consecutive periods

period refers to the morning, afternoon or evening time slot on an exam day.

For example, “three exams in three consecutive periods” would be exams scheduled in:

  1. The morning (09:00), afternoon (14:00) and evening (19:00) of the same day
  2. The afternoon (14:00) and evening (19:00) of one day and the morning (09:00) of the next day
  3. The evening (19:00) of one day and the morning (09:00) and afternoon (14:00) of the next day.

Students with an examination overload should report it immediately to Examination Services in 508 University Centre, by phone 613-520-4454, or email us.

PMC Students

Students registered with the Paul Menton Centre who have concerns about their exam schedule should speak to their co-ordinator. 

Exam Conflicts

A conflict is defined as two or more exams scheduled at the same time.

Students with an examination conflict should report immediately to Examination Services in 508 University Centre, by phone 613-520-4454, or email us.

University of Ottawa Exam Conflicts

Carleton and University of Ottawa Exchange Program students who have conflicts between Carleton and University of Ottawa exams should proceed as follows: Carleton students should contact Examination Services at Carleton. University of Ottawa students should contact the instructor of the University of Ottawa course involved.