Terms and Conditions
1. Administrative skills
Assist in the orderly administration of examinations including: recording attendance, enforcing examination regulations, distributing examination supplies, and collecting and reconciling examination papers.
2. Communication skills
Must be proficient in English comprehension and expression. Some PMC students may have compromised ability to either speak clearly or to comprehend oral conversations. Therefore Proctors must have the ability, flexibility and patience to overcome communication barriers as encountered with students using the service.
3. Accountability
Proctors are accountable and responsible for tasks as assigned. The work is physically demanding in that there is considerable walking and standing for extended periods in order to maintain visual and listening access to all examinees. Failure to observe potential violations of Examination Rules and Procedures can compromise the integrity of the examinations process.
4. Human Rights
The University requires all Exam Centre employees to comply with its Human Rights Policies. These Policies affirm that “every member of the University community has a right to study, work and live in a safe environment free of discrimination and harassment”. Those who have supervisory authority over others, or who make or influence decisions regarding members of the University community, bear a particular responsibility in this regard.
The grounds on which the University strives to protect against discrimination and harassment include race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, political affiliation or belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, marital status, family status and disability/handicap within the meaning of the Ontario Human Rights Code.
All interactions by Exam Centre employees with students, instructors and other employees must be consistent with these human rights principles.
A more complete outline of the University’s Human Rights Policies can be accessed
here .
5. Occupational Health & Safety
Carleton University is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for its students, employees, and visitors to study and work. The responsibility for health and safety is identified in the Occupational Health and Safety Act and is outlined in greater detail in the Carleton University Health and Safety Management System. Every employee has a legal duty to inform themselves of any environmental health and safety rule, regulation, and statute which applies to the performance of their job and to conduct themselves in accordance with such rules, regulations, and statutes. Furthermore, every employee who supervises one or more employees and/or students shall ensure that their direct reports are both informed of any and all environmental health and safety rules which apply to the performance of their functions and, comply with such rules, regulations, and statutes. All employees have a duty to report unsafe or unhealthy conditions to their supervisors. Failure to be informed, to comply and/or to supervise may result in disciplinary action by the employer up to and including dismissal. Employees should also be aware that a person who contravenes or fails to comply with the health and safety laws of Ontario is guilty of an offence, and upon conviction may be liable to a fine, imprisonment, or payment of damage.
Acknowledgement* I certify that the information provided is true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that my application will not be considered in the event that the above facts are found to be falsified.
Privacy Policy:
Carleton University takes the privacy of its community seriously and operates in compliance with our Access to Information and Privacy Policy and Ontario’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
The personal information requested on this form is collected in accordance with Sections 38(2) and 41(1) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), R.S.O. 1990, c.F.31 as amended. The information provided will not be used for any purposes other than those stated upon this form unless the applicant provides express written consent. Should you have any questions concerning your personal information, please contact Human Resources (humanresources@carleton.ca). Carleton University is fully compliant with FIPPA and endeavours at all times to treat your personal information in accordance with this law.