Congratulations to the following undergraduate and graduate students for having been awarded prestigious awards and scholarships to conduct cutting-edge research in the Spacecraft Robotics and Control Laboratory:

Kirk Hovell (NSERC PGS-D3), to begin his doctoral research on distributed iterative learning control with applications to spacecraft proximity operations.

Alexander Crain (NSERC CGS-M), to continue his master’s research on theoretical and experimental validation of nonlinear optimization techniques for spacecraft robotic capture maneuvers.

Bradley Kuiack (NSERC CGS-M), to continue his master’s research on nonlinear analytical equations of spacecraft relative motion on perturbed eccentric low-Earth orbits.

Cory Fraser (Ontario Graduate Scholarship), to continue his master’s research on GPS-based nonlinear adaptive stochastic filtering for spacecraft formation flying.

Jeffrey Hough (NSERC USRA), to pursue theoretical and experimental research activities on the topic of curvature constrained Lyapunov vector field for spacecraft proximity operations.