Congratulations to SPPA’s  Antoine Genest-Gregoire, who was appointed as Assistant Professor to Université de Sherbrooke’s Department of Taxation on August 31st 2023, the same day he also successfully defended his PhD thesis.

Dr. Genest-Gregoire is now teaching tax policy to students of the Masters in Taxation program and has also been appointed as fellow of the Research Chair in Taxation and Public Finance, where he will be responsible for relations with external researchers.

Genest-Grégoire successfully defended his PhD thesis on August 31st 2023. His work focuses on families and the Canadian income tax system and it has been supported by a Vanier scholarship. Antoine’s integrated thesis explored the impact of partnering penalties and joint implicit taxes created by means-tested child benefits as well as the informational complexity of tax returns using administrative tax data. His thesis was supervised by Professor Frances Woolley and partly coauthored with professors Saul Schwartz and Jennifer Robson.