The Rhodes Scholarship, established in 1902, is the oldest and one of the most prestigious international scholarship programs in the world. Administered by the Rhodes Trust in Oxford, the program offers over 100 fully-funded scholarships each year for full-time postgraduate study at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom. Rhodes Scholarships are for young leaders of outstanding intellect and character, who are motivated to engage with global challenges, committed to the service of others and who show promise of becoming value-driven, principled leaders for the world’s future.

Selection of successful candidates is based on the criteria set out by the Rhodes Trust:

  • Academic excellence
  • Energy to use your talents to the full (as demonstrated by mastery in areas such as sports, music, debate, dance, theatre and artistic pursuits, including where teamwork is involved).
  • Truth, courage, devotion to duty, sympathy for and protection of the weak, kindliness, unselfishness and fellowship.
  • Moral force of character and instincts to lead and to take an interest in your fellow human beings.

Candidates must submit an internal application to Carleton to be considered for university endorsement. The internal application deadline is Tuesday, August 8, 2023. Visit the Current Grad Students website for more details on eligibility criteria and instructions on how to apply.

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