Collaborative Effort to Address Environmental Challenges in India (July 2024 Carleton International Newsletter)

Prof. Alexandra Mallet from the School of Public Policy & Administration has partnered with Prosanto Pal, a Senior Fellow with The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in New Delhi, to tackle the challenge of decarbonizing India’s industry sector, with a focus on iron and steel production.

With the Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation providing knowledge support, their research is designed to advance net zero goals.

Given the socio-economic impact of decarbonization, particularly in regions like the Steel Belt, Mallet and Pal, along with other members of their research team, have engaged with key informants, including workers, industry executives, government agency representatives, and non-profit organizations. These discussions centered on current activities and the potential implications of an energy transition in three communities across India.

This initiative got off the ground thanks to the International Research Seed Grant, an internal funding program that champions new global partnerships.

Having solidified the concept in collaboration with their Indian and Canadian partners, subsequent funding allowed Mallet and Pal to expand the original project to include a Carleton student from India and joint fieldwork.

For the full July newsletter, please see this link.