It is understood that it is the department’s responsibility when submitting requests for changes to the timetable that the effects of changing the requested time slot does not affect the ability of the student to access the course and does not create other conflicts or issues.

This process applies to all requests for time slot changes received two weeks prior to registration as per the categorization defined below. After this date, once registration has begun, time slot changes will only be granted in extenuating circumstances and will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

Category Codes:

1 = Affects ability to offer the course
2 = Limits the ideal academic environment to deliver the course
3 = Preference with justification
NA = Not acceptable
Reason for Change 1, 2, 3 or NA
1. Class conflicts with required courses (departmental request) 1
2. Newly assigned instructor* has Level 1 category of special arrangement request 1
3. Newly assigned contract instructor* has Level 1 category of special arrangement request 1
4. Newly assigned instructor* has Level 2 category of special arrangement request 2
5. Newly assigned instructor* has Level 3 category of special arrangement request 3
6. New section or course added 1
7. Instructor has new Level 1 category** of special arrangements request 1
8. Instructor has new Level 2 category** of special arrangements request 2
9. Instructor has new Level 3 category** of special arrangements request NA
10. Instructor prefers another timeslot NA
11. Course constraints requested in original data submission, not fulfilled 2

*New Special Arrangement Requests (Category 1, 2 & 3) applies to newly assigned instructors only.

**New Circumstances that have arisen since the original submission date apply to Category 1 & 2 Special Arrangement Requests only (Category 3 requests for any new circumstances cannot be reviewed until the next cycle of the timetable).

NOTE: All Category 1 Special Accommodation requests that were originally submitted before the schedule was created will have been implemented and any Category 2 and 3 Special Arrangement requests that were submitted, and where it was not possible to accommodate, will not be reviewed a second time.

Approved by Coordinated Timetable Committee – Feb 12th, 2007
Revised January 2010
Revised November 2010
Reviewed November 2012
Reviewed November 2016
Reviewed November 2017
Reviewed November 2018
Reviewed November 2019
Reviewed November 2020
Reviewed December 2021
Reviewed December 2022
Reviewed December 2023