Episode 4 of Nipivut Nunatinnii Our Voice at Home, the open-line call-in radio series on Baffinland and Inuit rights, on Igloolik Community Radio Online, aired on May 16, 2012, starting at 8 pm EST until approximately 10:30 pm ONLINE at at www.isuma.tv/DID/radio/igloolik.

This show focused on Nunavut Impact Review Board, its history, its purpose, how it works and how Inuit can participate in the upcoming Final Public Hearings by NIRB to review Baffinland’s Final Environmental Impact Statement scheduled to start July 16 in Iqaluit, and then continue in Igloolik and Pond Inlet.

Episode 4 was hosted by Lucasie Ivalu, former Mayor of Igloolik, and Abraham Tagalik, former head of Television Northern Canada and co-founder of APTN.

Guests included Paul Quassa, former member of NIRB and currently on the Board of Nunavut Planning Commission; Amanda Hanson from the Nunavut Impact Review Board; Lloyd Lipsett, human rights lawyer conducting a Human Rights Impact Assessment of the Baffinland project; and Joshua Gladstone, researcher from the Carleton Centre for Community Innovation (3ci).

This show is in Inuktitut and English at www.isuma.tv/DID/radio/igloolik starting at 8pm EST. Listener call-in number is +1.867.934.8020. Listeners also can submit comments or questions by Facebook towww.facebook.com/radiostation.igloolik. A podcast of this show will be available for download atwww.isuma.tv/DID/radio/igloolik within 24 hours after going off-air.

Nipivut Nunatinnii Our Voice at Home is a project of IsumaTV’s Digital Indigenous Democracy, using new media to inform Inuit about their constitutional and human rights to be consulted on Baffinland’s Mary River proposal. See www.isuma.tv/DID.

Josh Gladstone, episode 4 producer
Lloyd Lipsett
Mark Airut, Radio Manager
Zacharias Kunuk, co-director DID
Norman Cohn, co-director, DID