Sheena Kennedy and Frances Abele presented the final report for the 2009-2010 Igloolik Socio-Economic Baseline Study to the Hamlet Council of Igloolik in February. The study was a joint project between the Igloolik Hamlet Council and Carleton University. The purpose of the study was to document the economy of Igloolik as it was in 2009-10, taking into account all aspects of the economy including waged work, unpaid and volunteer work, harvesting, businesses, and artistic production. Two surveys were conducted by a team of community researchers led by Sheena Kennedy – a household survey of 95% of Igloolik households, and a detailed individual survey of two hundred Igloolik adults. Employment information was also collected from the businesses and community organizations in town; and focus groups were held near the end of the study to talk about the results in detail with different segments of the population.

The project was designed as a baseline study so that the Hamlet of Igloolik could repeat the project in the future to measure changes to the community over time, brought about by internal and external influences such as environmental changes, major resource development projects and shifts in demographics.

The information collected for the study will be available to the community in a variety of forms:

An Executive Summary Report available in English and Inuktitut, containing the highlights from the surveys.
A Reference Report that provides a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the data collected from the surveys, and the analysis developed from the focus groups.
A Presentation available in English and Inuktitut containing an overview of the project and some key highlights from the report.