3ci-affiliated current and graduating students of the School of Public Policy and Administration were active participants at the annual conference of the Association for Nonprofit and Social Economy Research (ANSER) in Victoria in early June.
3ci Research Associate Brittany Fritsch presented research undertaken with Becky Rossi and Professor Tessa Hebb examining the tension between business and mission among social enterprises.
Chinyere Amadi presented her research on the resilience of women borrowers in the Alterna credit union micro-loan program. Congratulations to Brittany and Chinyere, who are new graduates!
Chris Yordy also presented his work on rigor and theory at the CFICE roundtable on community-campus engagement.
Faculty were also represented at ANSER. Professor Susan Phillips presented her work with Michael Lenczner on open data in immigrant serving agencies, and Professor Ted Jackson, an ANSER Board member, chaired the CFICE and Alterna sessions.