Dear Northern Researcher,

Are you planning field work this summer? Northern Public Affairs is pleased to offer space to communicate with northern communities, policy-makers in northern and southern Canada, and other northern scholars in the “research notes” section of NPA Magazine.

If your research has important implications for northern communities and decision-makers, or if your work has brought new insights you’d like to share, we encourage you to publish a short (100 – 300 words), plain language “research note” in the spring issue of NPA.

The deadline for submissions is March 29, 2013.

For more information about this low-cost service, including the price list, please see the attached letter or go to Note that reduced prices are available for community-based researchers.

NPA is a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to create space for discussion and analysis of issues facing Canada’s northern peoples. We work with the support of the Yukon Research Centre, the Aurora Research Institute, the Nunavut Research Institute, and the Carleton Centre for Community Innovation to link researchers with northerners and public/Aboriginal institutions across Canada.

The spring issue of the magazine will be released in April on the theme of modern treaty implementation. To order a subscription, please go to