We are looking for an independent, dependable person with a strong interest in mining and northern Aboriginal issues to provide research assistance to a SSHRC-funded research project being conducted in collaboration with Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. This is a great opportunity to ‘learn by doing’, as you will be working directly with the project principals and their northern partners. The project is lodged in the School of Public Policy and Administration and the Carleton Centre for Community Innovation (3ci).


  • Excellent analytical ability
  • Good knowledge of northern Canadian issues
  • Ability to take direction but work independently
  • Strong internet research skills
  • Ability to juggle a variety of tasks and solve problems as they come up
  • Ability to use reference software is an asset

DURATION:  The work will start immediately upon hiring. You will be paid by the hour and by invoice.



APPLY by sending your resume and a letter of application explaining your qualifications for this position to:

Frances Abele                                            Joshua Gladstone
Frances.Abele@carleton.ca                gladstone.joshua@gmail.com