School of Public Policy and Administration (SPPA), Carleton University

Toby Heaps: Green Capitalism: Is It For Real?

•When: January 28, 2014
•Time: 5:45 PM – 7:30 PM
•Location: Dunton Tower
•Room: 2017

The opening lecture for the 2014 Winter term examines whether the reported trends to green capitalism by Canada’s largest corporations are a reality. The green capitalism perspective is the central theme of the Corporate Knights initiative, and its award-winning magazine for clean capitalism, published as a quarterly insert in the Globe and Mail and Washington Post. As one of the world’s largest circulation (125K+) magazines focused on the intersection of business and society, CK is the most prominent brand in the clean capitalism media space. It was named as the 2013 Magazine of the Year by the National Magazine Awards Foundation. Corporate Knights deefnes clean capitalism as an economic system in which prices incorporate social, economic and ecological benefits and costs, and actors know the full impacts of their actions. Their vision is to provide information empowering markets to foster a better world.

Toby Heaps is the co-founder and president of Corporate Knights Inc. He is a passionate practicioner of green living practices. His background includes work with several international publications and social organizations, and he has written for the Financial Times, Toronto Star, Globe and Mail and Investors Digest. Before founding Corporate Knights, Toby was the managing editor of the Mutual Fund Review magazine and Planning for Profits magazine. Toby has a Bachelor of Arts degree from McGill University in Economics, with a minor in International Development. From 1997-98, he spent one year in the Belgrade Field Program (LLB in Management Studies) with the London School of Economics and Political Science.

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